IMPORTANT: The use of the App involves an elevate battery consumption. We recommend to take a power bank with you.
Maps and traces: in the “Route” page press this button on the top right
“Where to Sleep”, “What to See” and “Services”: select the button on the top right in the page with the resources list
In the resource list you can sort the data:
Alphabetical order.
By distance from the point where you are.
NOTE: once you end the itinerary we recommend to delete maps and resources from your phone clicking on the mentioned icons that now shows an “X”. Maps take a lot of space on your device and this might impede other downloads.
Interactive map
North oriented, you can zoom in and zoom out through the buttons +/-.
See points of interest and accomodation.
Center the map on your position.
Center the map on the entire itinerary.
Report a bug or news along the itinerary by sending an e-mail.
Visualize the navigation map.
Navigation map
The map is oriented in the travel direction, the zoom is fixed.
Activate the alarm in case you step off the track.
Distance from the ending point of the itinerary.
GO-TO activates the navigator to reach places off the route.
Visit the resource’s website.
Contact the resource by e-mail.
Augmented reality (only in some App versions)).
Share on social networks (android-only in some App versions).
Share on social networks (iOS-only in some App versions)
We recommend you not to rely only the smartphone to navigate along the itinerary: it is an electronical device that might ruin or run out of battery. Bring an analogic map with you.
The tracks of the itineraries on this App can be modified because of roadworks, snowing, hydrogeological instability, etc. Consider them as an indicative information, exactly as the information on any topographic map.
In particular the tracks need to be used carefully in cases of poor visibility and/or adverse weather conditions.
Your position on the smartphone can be inaccurate and affected by the presence of buildings, rocks, trees.
We invite everyone using the App to be very careful in using the information, and not to trust the device in an a-critycal way.
In case of problems on the way do not hesitate to report them to us via email.
ItinerAria declines all responsability due to any kind of problem or accident that might occur along the itineraries.
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